Apophyllite, Stilbite, Quartz, Huelandite


This stunning cabinet piece of vibrant mint green apophyllite is truly something special. Large complete clusters of high luster apophyllite covers either end of the piece. A druze of white heulandite and quartz coats the matrix allowing the apophyllite to shine. Perched in between the sweeping clusters of apophyllite are perfect crystals of white stilbite. This sample is a master class of apophyllite with a beautiful standing display. Dimension 19.3cm x 6.7cm x 7.6cm, Weight 980g, Locality Aurangabad, India

ID: 406

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Green Apophyllite, Stilbite, Quartz
Apophyllite, Stilbite
Apophyllite, Natrolite, Stilbite
Apophyllite, Stilbite
Apophyllite, Stilbite, Quarts