Apophyllite, Stilbite


Multiple stalactites make up the backbone of this specimen acting as a frame. The stalactites are completely coated in light peach stilbite crystals of various sizes, as well as small glassy apophyllite. The true draw of this sample are the multiple massive apophyllite crystals, some ranging in size up to 9cm. These massive crystals are plentiful with multiple clusters throughout the piece ranging in color from a light green to glass clear. 3 main crystals can be seen perched at the top of this spectacular specimen. Dimensions 13.5cm x 16.8cm x 9.5cm, Weight 1.152kg, Locality Jalgaon

ID: 408

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Apophyllite, Stilbite, Quartz, Huelandite
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Apophyllite, Stilbite